collective exhibition - 07.07.24 - 29.09.24, Centre d'Art Bastille, Grenoble - FR *infos*
with Pablo Grand-Mourcel, Camille Grosperrin, Marjolaine Turpin.
curation by Emilie Baldini
(photos Christophe Levet)
HOLDING BIRDS - 2024, Indian ink on wall, In-Situ production, Centre d'Art Bastille, Grenoble - FR
Arpentage est une exposition collective faisant dialoguer les oeuvres de quatre artistes franç autour de la représentation de la nature, des animaux, des végétaux qui nous entourent et font notre environnement direct, présentant des pratiques souvent hybrides mêlant dessin, sculpture, installation, vidéo.
Arpentage is a collective exhibition bringing together the works of four French artists, engaging in a dialogue around the representation of nature, animals, and plants that surround us and form our immediate environment. The exhibition showcases often hybrid practices that blend drawing, sculpture, installation, and video.